Welcome to Berry & Grove

Hi! We’re Sarah and Kelly, the sister duo behind Berry & Grove. We’re bringing our small slice of life in Ohio here to give reviews, offer recommendations, and post the occasional ramblings.

Berry & Grove was started as a place to capture the kind of life advice you share with your sister. A favorite new mascara, a can’t-miss baby item, a kitchen life-saver tool. After years of exchanging our favorite finds and tips with each other, we decided to collect our experiences and share them with anyone else who could benefit.

If anything, this is an excuse for us to chat regularly and spur each other on. At best, you find an idea or item that makes a positive difference in your life and are entertained following our journey.

We know people aren’t defined by one aspect, so neither is our site. Covering home life, parenting, makeup, gardening, baking, faith, home decor — anywhere we find inspiration and have something to share.

You may find a snarky take or two, but our intent is to bring more light than darkness to your life. To leave you feeling encouraged rather than enraged. Or at least give you a solid recommendation on our favorite face moisturizer.

Welcome. We hope you stay a while.